this website uses iframes and javascript. there are music players available on some pages, but don't worry about autoplay!
this site performs optimally on modern computer browsers! i haven't fixed layout/view issues on mobile or incompatible systems.
despite my site's colorful nature it is not intended for kids. visit at your own risk!
IMPORTANT NOTE: as of 7/25/24 i am working on moving to v2 of the site! but first i need to work on v1.5, which will involve rewriting most (if not all code) from the ground i've significantly improved in my coding skills since i originally made this, a lot of things need to be reworked so they are more editable/flexible for me in the future. which means more cool stuff for you to look at! EXPECT BIG VISUAL CHANGES IN THE COMING MONTHS. do not be surprised if you expect a cute site and end up with a web 1.0 esque design. i promise i'm hard at work and will bring back the cute designs you enjoy.although the style will be taking a vacation, the content will still be there and i hope it is enough to tide you over for the coming changes. - angel